About Sandy Leong

Sandy is a historian and professional speaker delivering a mix of entertaining talks to small and large audiences, including Historical Societies, U3A's, WI's, Schools, The Arts Society, School Interest Days & also for Mirthy; working both in the U.K. and internationally.
She is a regular speaker on P&O, Fred Olsen and Saga Cruise ships & with other lines.
She also speaks on motivational subjects, often to women only groups.
Locally she is Chair of a Board of Trustees for a large Charity, the Chair of the Friends of Charnwood Museum; and a Past President of Loughborough Speakers Club holding the Advanced Speakers Award.


Send an enquiry 

Booking a Talk

All talks are backed up with an entertaining powerpoint presentation and are approximately 45 minutes long. 
FEES start at £85 for bookings in Leicestershire. (this is negotiable for small groups close to home). For talks outside Leicestershire please contact me for a price as travelling expenses may be added.
All details will be agreed with you before a booking is confirmed. I bring a projector and laptop (although willing to use one supplied by the venue if this is preferred). If you haven't got a screen or blank wall then I will bring
a screen.
Either email me at address below or use the Contact Form on the website. We aim to respond within 24 hours.